Our Giving to God Never Goes Unrewarded
At our Midweek Service one day, a woman in her late thirties shared a story of how giving has helped her life. At the end of her story, not a single person in the group was without tears in the eyes. She began her story with this “our giving to the Lord never goes rewarded”. Anytime I get the opportunity to give, I do not hesitate, even as I have the opportunity to give this testimony.
I’m known by many as Mama Christy in West Hills, Takoradi. Circumstances surrounding my firstborn’s birth was nothing good to talk about. I remember the day like it just happened yesterday.
When I started experiencing signs that I was due for labour, I made several attempts to get to the hospital. There was no one around to help. Our house was a little distant from the others in the neighbourhood. It took the grace of God to bring a passer-by who helped me to the hospital. The situation was so critical that my husband and other close relatives were requested to come.
My husband was told by the doctors that they could save either the baby or myself. The decision was not so easy to come by with. I remember my husband with tears in his eyes, begging the doctors to do whatever they can to save us. They demanded that my husband choose who they should save. Two days at the hospital in pain, we had not come to any conclusive decision. My husband wanted to let the child go but I insisted that both of us would live. This made the doctors annoyed and they abandoned me. I saw my husband so discouraged and helpless.
When I thought I had to give in, I remembered the Sunday’s sermon and it was as if someone echoed to me that ” I’m with you, I will never leave you”. I cried my heart out while asking God to remember my sacrifices for Him. Before my time for delivery, I had emptied my bank account to sow seed a week ago. I asked the Lord have to mercy on me. I did not know how but I just delivered. The nurses now rushed in and the health attendants were awed by the incident. They testified that it was a miracle. There was no after birth complication whatsoever, three days later I was discharged.
I now have my third child, I’m still alive when doctors had said either my first baby or myself would live. I say this to the glory of the Lord because my time spent serving in the vineyard of God, my resources and seeds sown in peoples’ lives, my participation in evangelism outreaches and assistance in the children service at my local church have all not been in vain. Again, I say that our giving to the Lord never goes unrewarded. At the fullness of time, the Lord will glorify Himself in our lives.