Satan, You Can’t Stress Me!
Last night, I was meditating on the enemy’s plan for our lives; to steal, kill and destroy; of how he is diligent in preventing us from being sober-minded, and from experiencing the joy of the Lord.
I was specifically thinking about the many times the enemy filled me with fear, caused me to doubt God, and made me feel insecure. I thought about how the enemy caused me to avoid what will bring my breakthrough and how all of that almost led me astray.
But do you know what I also thought about? How God was with me through every ordeal, walked with me through my fears, cared for me when I doubted He will, and brought the best outcomes out of worst case scenarios through my insecurities. How all of these prepared me and transformed me from a girl ignorant of and vulnerable to satan’s tactics, into a young woman on the watch out for the enemy’s schemes. All of these thoughts overwhelmed me, greatly.
Now more than ever, I know how the enemy “prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour” (1 Peter 5:8) and of his tactic of using our weaknesses and circumstances as baits. I’ve become fond of diligently seeking God and trusting in Him at all times even if the enemy gives me a thousand reasons not to. I’ve also mastered the art of letting the enemy know he can’t stress me. And that’s what all of us are suppose to do in the midst of trials; we should be ever ready to render the tactics of the devourer useless.
It’s not easy, but strive to be alert at all times; don’t give the enemy the chance to explore your vulnerability. Don’t let the enemy make you feel unloved, not good enough or unworthy, your identity is found in your creator (Ephesians 1 & 2). The enemy needs you to be afraid, insecure and to stop fellowshipping so he can mislead you. The enemy wants you to doubt God like Thomas did when the disciples told him they’d seen Jesus raised from the dead (John 20), but don’t!

When the devil tempts you to doubt God, don’t let your circumstance determine your God; let your God determine your circumstance. Your circumstance may make you feel helpless, powerless and disadvantaged, but your faith gives you an advantage and activates the power of the Almighty God.
Don’t give in. Don’t let fear overtake you. The more uninvolved you are with the body of Christ, the harder it is to persevere in faith (1 Corinthians 12). When you continue showing up in faith and asking God for what you need instead of being weary, you will see God’s hand move in your Favour (Galatians 6:9). Your reaping season will surely come.
So, darling, when next the enemy shows up in your plight, remember, there’s power in prayer, steadfast faith and relentless pursuit; don’t give that power to the enemy. When next he shows up at your door, make it clear to him you’re the wrong person to mess with; just say to him, “Satan, you can’t stress me”.