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Creative Ideas For Family Devotion – GH Gospel Radio

Creative Ideas For Family Devotion

Inspiration , Lifestyle , Resources

Creative Ideas For Family Devotion

Posted OnJuly 16, 2020 0


There is nothing more effectual than having a family time studying the word of God and praying together. The best thing that parents can bequeath to their children is to introduce them to the Lord. Families need to cooperate and be concerned with the spiritual needs of its members. A means to attaining this is by observing devotion as a family. Deuteronomy 6:6-9 urges that “Write these commandments that I’ve given you today on your hearts. Get them inside of you and then get them inside your children. Talk about them wherever you are, sitting at home or walking in the street; talk about them from the time you get up in the morning to when you fall into bed at night. Tie them on your hands and foreheads as a reminder; inscribe them on the doorposts of your homes and on your city gates”.


Having devotion should be done in a way that is fun and exciting, where every individual becomes enthusiastic about observing it. There should be an obvious joy of having devotion and not just out of duty. Parents should take a keen interest in matters related to the Lord and their examples would be followed by their children.

Parents again, need to schedule specific times for family devotion. Devotions should be regarded as a moment of having an appointment with God. In effect, there should be a strict adherence to ensure that members are disciplined in observing the time chosen to meet with the Lord. In cases when something pops up such that it cannot be met, there is the need to reschedule the time. The family should never miss an appointment with the Lord.

To spice up family devotion, the following can be practised to spark live into families’ devotion:


Adopt the use of different venues: Try to change the places where the family meet to have devotion. The dining room, the children’s bedroom, sometimes the veranda or any other available space in the home can be used. The point is, do not always use a particular spot for devotion, change the atmosphere to make devotions lively.


Create a customized name for your family devotion: Having a specific name for referring to the family time together to meet with the Lord as such ‘Morning’s Glory’, ‘Divine Moment’, ‘Dews of Dawn’, ‘Refreshing Hour’, ‘Upper Room Encounter’, among others that your family can come up with would helps brighten the members of its observance.


Provide surprise packages during family devotion: Parents especially should use to the opportunity of meeting to study and pray as a family to surprise children what they have asked from them. This makes children always look forward to having family times together.


Encourage children depending on their ages to lead discussions and prayers: The family has a role in preparing children in every aspect of life before the children socialize with other members in the community. Such times are avenues for parents to nurture children into what parents want them to be.


Use various activities that work for your family: You know your family better and what probably would work for them. There is no harm in trying. Use worthwhile activities that can brighten the moments of having family time to prevent boredom from the routinized devotion of the family.
